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BLOG 57 - Measure Affiliate Performance

Measuring affiliate performance is an essential part of running a successful affiliate marketing program.

Here are some key metrics that businesses should use to measure affiliate performance:

1. Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR is the percentage of clicks that an affiliate's promotion generates. This metric helps businesses to understand how effective an affiliate's promotional efforts are at driving traffic to their website

2. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate is the percentage of clicks that result in a sale or lead. This metric helps businesses to understand how effective an affiliate is at generating revenue or leads.

3. Average Order Value (AOV): AOV is the average amount of money that a customer spends on a single transaction. This metric helps businesses to understand the quality of the traffic that an affiliate is generating.

4. Earnings per Click (EPC): EPC is the amount of commission that an affiliate earns per click. This metric helps businesses to understand the value that an affiliate is bringing to their program.

5. Return on Investment (ROI): ROI is the revenue generated from affiliate marketing compared to the costs associated with running the program. This metric helps businesses to understand the profitability of their affiliate marketing program.

By monitoring these key metrics, businesses can measure the performance of their affiliates and optimize their program to maximize revenue and return on investment. They can also use this data to identify their top-performing affiliates and incentivize them to promote their products or services more effectively.

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